Dacia Wolf & the Dragon Lord Read online

Page 5

  Waving my arms in front of me, I walked through the center of the room. After making several passes without coming into contact with anything, I held my hand out in front of me, flames ignited in my palm. Warmth radiated through my arm, driving off the chill fear had left behind.

  The fire cast a blue glow over the room. The walls, ceiling, and floor were all stone. There were no windows or doors.

  Despair draped itself over my shoulders, weighing me down. I slid down the wall. The fire died out. Slumped on the floor, I clutched my knees to my chest.

  What if Draconian goes after Cody and Samantha now? I can’t protect them from here.

  I rocked back and forth. Images of Cody and Samantha being carried off by dragons filled my head. Hearing their terrified screams, I clutched my hands over my ears.

  I have to do something. Think. I clenched my head. A heavy weight settled in my chest. They’ll die because of me.

  I sat up. “No.” The word echoed through the room.

  “Think, Dacia, think,” I whispered under my breath. “There has to be a way out.” I leaned my head against the wall and thought about all the extraordinary things I had done over the past year. I could conjure lightning, create fire, shoot ice from my fingertips, create a force-field around myself, teleport, fly, transport objects through the air without touching them, read some people’s minds, heal myself and others, and walk through walls.

  “That’s it!” I rested the palm of my hand against the wall, hesitating before trying to push my fingers through it. I filled my lungs with oxygen and pressed my hand into the wall. The air on the other side was cool, and I felt a slight breeze. Please don’t let there be a dragon waiting for me.

  It took a moment for my eyes to adjust to the light, but when they did, I couldn’t believe what I saw. I stood in a room the size of a football stadium. In the center was an enormous mound of gold, gems, and treasures of all shapes and sizes. The beauty and wealth of it took my breath away. I stood frozen for too long before coming to my senses. “Dacia,” I said, waking myself up from my stupor, “get out of here while you can.”

  I closed my eyes and pictured myself sitting in my dorm room. Before I opened them again, I heard, “Hey, where did you come from?”

  I couldn’t remember Samantha’s voice ever sounding so welcome. My voice, on the other hand, was lifeless. “A dungeon.”

  “What do you mean?”

  I dragged my trembling hands through my hair. “Well, I met the guy who wants Nefarious, and he locked me in his dungeon.”

  “Pretty much just what you said then.” We sat in silence for a few minutes before Samantha asked, “Well … are you going to call Cody and Sarah, or am I?”

  “I suppose I will.” Collapsing in the chair, I pulled my shoes off and threw them at the wall. They hit with less than satisfying thuds. “I was kind of getting used to my life being somewhat normal. As soon as I call them, that’s gone.”

  “Dacia”—Samantha patted my shoulder—“that was gone as soon as you started having nightmares again. We just weren’t aware that it was.”


  Cody arrived last. I waited by the door, opening it as soon as the strength and love of his aura blanketed me.

  He brushed his finger along my cheek. “Thought you’d wait.”

  I pulled him into the room and closed the door.

  Samantha waved at Cody from the desk chair. He nodded at her.

  When he noticed Sarah sitting in Big Bird, his hand tightened on mine. “Why didn’t you?”

  I moved him toward Cookie Monster, then sat on the floor in front of him. “I did, but …”

  “Dacia just spent the better part of the afternoon in a dungeon,” Samantha said.

  I nodded before plunging into the events of the day. I did my best not to leave out any details and finished by saying, “So, there goes the normalcy from my life.”

  Samantha waved her hand. “That was tossed out the window a long time ago.”

  Sarah looked at me for a moment. “How did he get into your head when you were unconscious?”

  “I’ve been wondering that myself.” I tugged on the lavender carpet threads. “With Nefarious, once I was comatose, I didn’t have to worry about him anymore. I don’t know if I’ll ever be safe from Draconian.”

  “That’s really scary,” Samantha said.

  I stared at my feet. “Don’t I know it.”

  “I wish there was something we could do to help you,” Samantha said.

  My mouth fell open. “Oh.”

  “What?” Cody asked.

  “It just dawned on me why Draconian got so angry when I asked why he didn’t try to control me.”

  Samantha’s eyebrows pinched together. “Why?”

  “He was trying.” I stood and paced across the room. “That’s why my brain seemed so cloudy. Why else would I have let him sit down by me? I even moved over for him. Somehow, he was making me passive … agreeable, but as soon as he told me that what he wanted to do with Nefarious didn’t concern me, the spell was broken.”

  “How, though?” Sarah brushed lint off her heather slacks. “I imagine he’ll try again. It would be beneficial to know how you broke the spell this time.”

  “Yeah, then maybe I can keep myself from being put under it again.” I sat on Cody’s knee. He gripped my waist. “I wish you could help train me, but unless you’ve suddenly learned how to use magic, I don’t think you can control my mind.”

  “No, I haven’t, but I will help you in any way I can.” Sarah drummed her fingers on the arm of the chair. “Please don’t hesitate to call me … day or night.”

  “Us either,” Samantha offered. “What are friends for if not to help each other?”

  We sat in silence for a moment. “This is a little off the subject, but have you met Aurelia, Sarah?”

  “Yes, I have. I signed her up for her classes a few days ago. Why do you ask?”

  I glanced at Cody, who stared at the floor. “Well, Cody and I met her at Falcon Lake. She seemed unnatural. She was nice enough, but I’ve never seen anyone else who looks like her.”

  “Dacia thinks maybe she’s an elf or something,” Samantha said.

  “That’s definitely a possibility,” Sarah agreed. “It would explain why she … sparkles. If that’s true, I wonder what it means.”

  “Hopefully, nothing bad.”

  “She may just be another girl. Until we’re sure, that’s what we should assume,” Sarah said. “Don’t treat her any differently than you would anyone else.”

  “Yeah.” I pulled my hand through my hair. “Time will tell.” Could she be here to help me? Or is she Draconian’s pawn?

  “Now,” Sarah said, “who is staying for the summer session?”

  “Us and Dan.” Cody waved his arm, indicating the three of us.

  “Good. The more support Dacia has, the better.” She turned to me, leaning forward. “Does Dan know about your powers?”

  “Not yet.” I lowered my head, rolling my neck. “But I doubt I’ll be able to hide them from him for much longer.”

  “It would be best to tell him before something happens,” Sarah said.

  “Yeah, we’ve talked about that.” My insides twisted. The thought of losing another friend because I was a freak was too much. “I’m just not sure how to let him know without scaring him off.”

  “You’ll think of something.” She nodded her head. “He seems like a good guy. It may take more to frighten him than you think.”

  “That’s what Samantha says.” I rubbed my face. “I don’t know how to go about telling him. ‘Hey, Dan, I just wanted to let you know I’m a freak. Hope you don’t mind.’ For some reason, it just doesn’t come across the way I want it to.”

  Samantha’s hands tightened into fi
sts. “Cody told you what to do.” Her voice was stern.

  “I’m sorry, Samantha.” I clenched my hair in my hands. “I don’t want to upset you, but I’m scared.”

  “I know, but you’re going to have to say something eventually. Try freezing the fire like Cody suggested.” The hint of a smile curved her lips. “Dan will be awestruck.”

  “I have to admit”—Sarah tapped her finger against her chin—“it sounds like a good idea to me. That is one of the more impressive things I’ve seen you do.”

  “I’ll tell him. Just stop pushing.” I rubbed my hands over my face. How can I make them understand? “You have to give me some time. I’m not about to spring this on him during finals. If I end up mortally wounded before then, I guess you guys can let him know I’m an abomination.”

  “It’s okay.” Cody gently kneaded my shoulders. “I agree. Finals are stressful enough.”

  “If you guys don’t mind—” I stood up and tugged a hand through my curls “—this has been a long, hard day. I’d like to go to bed.”

  “Sure, Dacia,” Samantha said.

  Cody squeezed my hand. “Sleep good.”

  “Let me know if anything happens,” Sarah said as she headed out.

  I climbed into bed, aware Cody would be sleeping in Cookie Monster again tonight and knowing he would be doing it with Sarah’s blessing.

  Chapter 8

  Torture Is Hell

  A storm looms on the horizon, rain scents the air, and lightning silhouettes enormous thunderheads. An ominous feeling perches in the air. I hurry to class, worrying about what the day might bring.

  Draconian hasn’t bothered me, but I know that if he chooses today to come after me, this storm will help shield him.

  Apprehension tickles the nape of my neck. I fidget with my backpack and look over my shoulder. I tell myself I’m nervous about reading in front of the class, but I know there’s more to it than that. I want to go back to my room and snuggle under a blanket. At least there, I’ll feel safe.

  Only one other student is in the classroom when I arrive. His dark head is bent over his desk. He furiously scribbles on his paper. I glance at the clock. I’m a few minutes earlier than normal. Shrugging, I sit down. As soon as I do, the other student stands, turning toward me. He doesn’t look familiar, but I don’t know everyone. For the most part, I keep to myself.

  I pull my notebook out of my backpack and focus on my story. Parts of it grate on me, but I can’t figure out how to reword it. Deciding it’s going to have to be good enough, I set my pen down and look around the room. When I catch a glance of the other student, I can’t believe my eyes. I do a double-take and stare in horror.

  His face isn’t like anything I’ve ever seen. It looks like he’s melting—like blobs of wax are running down his cheeks. His brown hair whitens and grows a couple of inches per second, and a long beard sprouts from his newly aged face. Before my eyes, the college-aged kid transforms into an old man.

  It takes me too long to get over my shock and realize what’s happening. Draconian had disguised himself. He’d waited here to ambush me. And, like an idiot, I’d sat and watched him. I spring to my feet, bumping my thigh on the desk, and run toward the door. Desks fly through the air, crashing down, blocking the aisles, bouncing against each other. I push one out of the way, and another slams in front of me.

  Fury ignites insides me, sending heat pulsing through my veins. The desks around me quiver. I need to get a grip or risk losing control of my powers.

  “Why won’t you leave me alone?” I shout.

  “Dacia, Dacia, Dacia.” He shakes his head as he paces closer to me. “Don’t play dumb with me; it doesn’t become you. You have something I want. Give him to me, and this will end.”

  “Never! He will never be yours!”

  “So much defiance and at such a young age.” He sounds like he’s impressed. “Give me Nefarious, and come with me. Be my apprentice. Learn all I have to offer. My knowledge could be yours in time. We would make a great and powerful team.”

  I stop, stunned. Where did that come from? He didn’t think I’d accept, did he? “What is wrong with you?”

  “Your anger could become your greatest strength. With time and instruction, you could be more powerful than me.”

  My mouth falls open. “Why …” I shake my head and try again. “Why would I let you teach me? I stand against evil. Don’t you get it?”

  “Evil? That’s what bothers you?” He strokes his beard and steps toward me. “You and I were given these powers to use them. Controlling those who are weaker is our destiny. Good and evil aren’t part of the equation.”

  “No.” I narrow my eyes at him. “My destiny is helping those who are weaker, not controlling them, not making things more difficult for them.”

  “You’ll see it my way, Dacia. It may take torture and pain, but you’ll come around.”

  Disgusted by the thought, I shout, “I’ll never see it your way! I’ll never be like you!” At the same time, lightning bolts shoot from my fingertips. Draconian dodges. Taking advantage of the distraction, I dart through the emergency exit.

  A gust snatches the door from my hand, slamming it against the building. Raindrops pelt me, and thunder crashes in sync with the lightning. I lower my head and sprint into the storm. Flashes brighten the sky, and for a split second, a dragon looms in the distance.

  The little girl inside me cowers, but somehow on the outside, I remain composed. The anger that overcame me earlier is gone now. “Dacia, you defeated Nefarious. You can do this,” I say out loud.

  A ball of fire shoots through the air at me. I stop running and build a wall of ice between us. While hidden from the dragon’s sight, I will myself to disappear. Watching myself become invisible is eerie, like being erased. I hold my hand in front of my face. Raindrops outline it. In these conditions, I’m still noticeable.

  I sprint toward the dorm. Not being able to see where my feet will fall is disorienting. I stumble a few times before I quit looking at the ground. By the time the dragon’s flames break through the ice, I’m far enough away I don’t feel the heat.

  The dragon roars, and for a moment, I feel sorry for it, knowing Draconian will punish it for failing.

  The dorms rise up ahead of me. Almost there, you can make it. An extra burst of energy propels me forward. Draconian is still chasing me, but I don’t waste time turning my head to see how close he is.

  My breath comes out in heavy pants. Sweat mixes with the rain dripping down my face. My legs throb, but I’m almost there. The lights along the sidewalk beckon me on. I’m going to make it.

  My body stiffens. I can’t feel anything. I plummet face-first on the ground unable to break my fall. My nose crunches against the pavement. Air rushes from my lungs, and I become visible once again.

  Draconian’s toes press against my side. “Didn’t I tell you that you are no match for me? What will it take for you to learn this lesson?”

  I try to scream for help, but like the rest of my body, I’m unable to move my mouth. He flips me over so I stare up at him. Rain pelts my eyes, runs into my nose and mouth. I can’t blink, can’t wipe the water away. If he doesn’t kill me first, I’ll drown.

  “How are you going to get out of this one, Dacia?” He folds his hands behind his back and rocks onto his heels. “You will not flee from me so easily this time!”

  Calm down. Use your powers to weaken his hold on you. Think of something.

  “What torture will it take to make your anger consume you? What can I do to make you realize helping the weak is not your destiny?” He laughs as intense pain courses through my body. I scream, but no sound escapes my lips.

  “How does that feel, Dacia?” he asked as the pain subsides. “Should we try again?”

  A conflagration spreads through my muscles
and bones, incinerating every part of me. My scorched lungs refuse to take in the air my body needs. On the inside, I writhe and scream as the wildfire burns through to my soul. On the outside, I lie perfectly, soundlessly still.

  The pain diminishes, leaving smoldering embers where infernos had been. My brain feels fuzzy.

  Draconian kneels beside me. He grasps my chin, turning my head so I stare directly into his face. Through the water pooled in my eyes, he’s distorted. His nose looks enormous compared to the rest of his features.

  “Let me in, Dacia, and this can all end.” His voice is soft, comforting.

  Part of me wants to give up, to hand him Nefarious, and walk away from the trauma. The more my thoughts lean in this direction, the more eager Draconian’s features become.

  “That’s it,” he coaxes. A smile spreads across his face, lifting his beard.

  No. You can’t give in. I fight to control my thoughts, to push him out of my head. I can’t hand over Nefarious. The fuzziness retreats, like a cool breeze blowing the fog from my brain.

  Draconian’s nostrils flare, his chest heaves, and rage ignites in his eyes. “Your spirit is stronger than I imagined.” He stands, turning his back on me. “But, I will break you.”

  Pain floods through my body. Waves of agony crash over me, threatening to drag me under. Darkness clouds my vision. I fight to control my thoughts, to keep them my own.

  The pain is too much. My mind checks out, and I slip into unconsciousness.

  I opened my eyes to my darkened room and sighed. Pain tore through my body with the slight movement. Every cell ached. Pinching my eyes shut, I whimpered.

  Cody slept in Cookie Monster, and Samantha was curled up in her loft. They had no idea I had a nightmare.

  I lay back against my pillows and clutched Glacier, flinching as pain shot up my arms. I bit my lip to keep from making any noise.

  Staring up at the ceiling, I fought sleep. My eyelids grew heavy, and I fell into a tortured sleep where Draconian haunted my dreams.